Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 2018. Languedoc and Piedmont. Bill & Keith

This evening was presented by our very own Bill & Keith. Keith presented wines from Languedoc, where he visits every year, all wines bought in France. Bill presented wines from the other side of the Alps, from Piedmont in Italy.

The wines were:

Chateau Rives Blanques. Blanquette de Limoux (Mauzac), 2016. €10.80
Araldica Vini Piemontese. (Cortese) 2017. Wine Society £5.95
Chateau Rives Blanques. Dedicace 2017 (Chenin Blanc) €10.20
Cantina Del Nebbiolo. Langhe Nascetta 2016 (Nascetta) Wine Society £11.50

Ciabot Berton. Barbera d'Alba Fisetta (Barbera) Wine Society £10.95
Domaine Lorgeril. Chateau de Pennautier Cabardes 2015 (6 grape blend). Majestic £11.99/9.99
Luigi Einaudi. Dogliani 2016 (Dolcetto) Wine Society £11.50

Chateau Rives Blanques..Lagremas D'Aur 2016 (Chenin Blanc) €13.50

All excellent wines and a good evening with over 40 people showing up

Monday, July 2, 2018

June 2018. Wines of Brazil. Nick Corfe

Nicholas Corfe – Go Brazil Wines

Don Guerino Brut Chardonnay – Sparkling (Charmat method) - £15
Sinais Sauvignon Blanc 2017 - £11.50
Sinais Italico Riesling (AKA Welsch Riesling) - £11.50
Campo de Cima Viognier - £12.00
Aurora Varietal Pinot Noir 2015 - £7
Sinais Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 - £11.50
Don Guerino Reserva Telodego 2016 - £16
Pizzato Reserva Tannat 2012 - £18

Nick presented 8 wines from Brazil, all available direct from the website. He did say that Brazil is an expensive country, so the wines are all a touch more pricey than their competition, but not madly so.
Pretty well all of Brazils wines come from the very south of the country, close by Uruguay and Argentina – there are also some grown in the centre close by the equator.

The fizz was a well balanced, biscuitty style, which many liked, and at £15 compares well with many other decent sparkling wines.
The 2 Sinais whites, were yet another example of clean, fresh, well made whites – no complaints there, while the Viognier was a good example of the rich and oily Viogniers that I personally really like.
The Pinot Noir is, as Nick admitted, getting close to past its best, but many liked it, and if PN is your thing, its a steal at £7.
The Teroldego is an unusual grape variety from Northern Italy, and a good wine with hints of cherry & smokiness in there.
Finally, the Tannat, which at 6 years old, was still quite tannic – will it soften with age? Time will tell.